Stitch a photo - Cross stitch charts from your own pictures - Free!

Creating cross stitch patterns from your own pictures is very easy with Pic2Pat. In three simple steps you will transform a picture into a beautiful cross stitch chart. The chart can be downloaded to your computer where you can print and store it. If you want to print the pattern again at a later date, there is no need to go to the website again, because the design is stored on locally on your computer.

Pic2Pat makes life very easy by calculating which colors embroidery floss are needed and how many skeins you need of each color. Therefore you can start immediately creating your artwork.

Step 1: Select a file

Select a picture file on your computer and press the Next button to upload the picture to the Pic2Pat server. By pressing the Browse button, you can browse through your pictures to find the correct file.

Pic2Pat can process almost all image formats. The maximum file size is 18 MB. Keep in mind that large images take some seconds to be sent to the Pic2Pat server. It may therefore take a few moments after pressing the Next button before the next step is shown where you can select the size of the artwork, and the number of stitches per inch.


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